Hirvesh Munogee

Hirvesh is an indie hacker from the beautiful island of Mauritius currently working on his two SaaS products: stomod.com and assistflare.com
He’s passionate about solopreneurship and blogs at hirve.sh about his learnings on setting up a business!

Leveraging Blogging for Product Feedback and Innovation

Feedback is the lifeblood of innovation, especially in the fast-paced world of Software as a Service (SaaS). In this post, we'll explore how your blog can serve as a vital channel for engaging with your user base to collect feedback, inspire product innovation, and foster a c...


2 min read

Cover image for Leveraging Blogging for Product Feedback and Innovation
Cover image for Welcome to Stomod!

Welcome to Stomod!

Stomod is the ultimate tool for seamlessly creating a blog using your Notion content. So, how does it work? It's incredibly simple. We p...


1 min read

Cover image for Boosting Your SaaS Visibility: The Power of Blogging

Boosting Your SaaS Visibility: The Power of Blogging

In today's digital age, visibility is key to success, and blogging is a powerful tool to enhance your online presence. But how exactly d...


2 min read

Cover image for Building Customer Trust Through Educational Content

Building Customer Trust Through Educational Content

In the competitive landscape of SaaS, trust is a currency as valuable as the services you provide. Today, we're exploring how your blog ...


2 min read

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